Sunday 6 September 2015

Happy Father's Day!

I don't usually post on weekends because I'm trying to be a family lady (not a "Family Guy"!) but I just wanted to wish every one a lovely Father's Day today:)

Thank you very much for reading Paul's "being a stay at home dad" entry last week. It became the most popular entry on this blog ever! I think that many mums enjoyed reading it as well as dads, because they could feel understood by one of the guys.

Paul was a really great 'stay at home dad' for two and a half months. I have a particular way of doing my house work and thought I wouldn't be able to let someone else do these things, but I could totally trust Paul and could concentrate on my work. He's not staying at home now, but I think he still is the best dad and the best husband...although I'm a bit biased :P

Those two and a half months were a really great time for us as a family. If I just left home to go to work, I wouldn't have been able to know what was happening inside the house. Although I was just in the study and hiding (!) from Nico, I could hear he was having a great time with his daddy and Paul was trying his best, especially when Nico was being a bit difficult. Sometimes I thought that Paul could just ask me for help, but he didn't want to interrupt my work. He did such a great job.

Maybe I didn't really understand, but in some ways I thought it was a bit easier to be a good father than to be a good mum. At least in Japan, dads only see kids a couple of hours a day (if at all) and on weekends, so they can just be nice and have fun with the kids. Kids can also behave well for the guys, because they don't see them as often too. But I was pretty impressed that Paul had the energy to be a great dad the whole time, even when he had all day, 5 days a week looking after Nico. Paul was really enjoying spending time with our little fella.

Now I feel really sorry for Paul, that he has to leave Nico to go to work. Paul really misses Nico at work (and of course we both miss each other heaps too). At the same time, I just feel how lucky I am that I can stay with Nico all the time. This experience has made me realize that.

I am so happy that Paul is my son's dad. I will make sure he will have a great father's day and I hope all the other dads have a great day too.

with love,

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