Friday 12 June 2015

Language Barrier

Were you born in Australia? Have you ever faced any language barriers in this country? I’ve lived in Australia for more than 10 years now, but I still struggle with English.

When I was little, I was always interested in English. My otousan (dad) was a professor of English Literature (well.. more Irish?)  , so I asked him to write my name in English on all my stationary at school and I loved it!

When I started to learn English in Year 7, it instantly became my favourite subject. I always got the best mark in the class and I felt pretty confident about it.

Then when I was 16, I stayed with an Australian family in Coffs Harbour for 6 weeks. A pre-arrival document that informed me about my homestay family showed that my little Australian “sister”, Erin, shared the same birthday with me. So when I met her at the airport, I tested my English by telling her that her birthday was same as mine – but she didn’t get what I was saying at all!

Since then (not because of Erin!) I became so scared of being asked “Excuse me? What did you say?” I totally lost my confidence.  Maybe people sometimes ask me to say it again because they just didn’t hear me properly or my voice was small, but I usually blame any misunderstanding at all on my English.

After ten years of living in Australia, I still haven’t got my confidence back. I don’t think I can work for a local company where I have to use English every day. When I lost my job, I thought my only choice was to work for a Japanese company or Japanese restaurant. I know they require high level English too, but at least clients or customers know I’m a Japanese and they can be generous about my mistakes...that’s what I thought.

Then my life plan changed and, as you may have read in my other entries, I’m trying to be a shop owner now.  I wanted to avoid using English for my work as much as possible, but I’ve somehow chosen a job that requires me to use English even writing this blog in English. My passion has taken over my feeling of inferiority.

In a way, while my ultimate aim is of course to have a successful shop, I’m also looking forward to seeing how I can improve my English through my work over next couple of years. Do you think I can get my confidence back someday? I hope so!

With Love,




  1. I think your english is fantastic and you are very easy to understand!

  2. Thanks Maria:) I will keep trying to improve my English!

  3. Your written English is awesome. Even people in the same country have language barrier as well. I love languages a lot. Actually for me there is no perfect English but we are all contributing to the variety of English. I don't think my English is good enough but this assumption makes me feel very confident and fearless.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment:-) I love languages too and still remember my excitement of being understood in English for the first time. I'll try to be more confident!
